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It´s hard to explain our love and passion for tribal art; rather it chose us or we were the ones who chose it, we don´t know. Since we were kids we already felt this fascination towards those ancient cultures that were part of many of the marvelous and amazing stories we loved… knights in shining armor, pirates and corsairs or terrifying headhunters from faraway lands beyond the ocean. We were both born and raised by the sea. There´s no better place to start dreaming. We suppose that was how everything started, years have passed and now, not so children, those cultures are part of our lives.

In a world where everything happens so quickly, it seems to be insane that someone is willing to dedicate their life to the antiquities, and more precisely, to tribal art. But, what would be of us without this curiosity and this child that we all have inside, do you remember him?

The Norwegian adventurer, Thor Heyerdahl, once said that “The ocean does not separate us it unites us”, so we invite you to come aboard and join us in this new adventure.

Thanks for stopping by. You are very welcome!


Toni & Gus


We will try our best to offer the high professionalism and seriousness that we, as costumers, also expect from others.
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